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Assumption Life Simplified Issue
Final Expense Life Insurance

Ideal for those with past medical conditions looking for a hassle-free process with no medical exam or blood tests.

Assumption Life Simplified Life Insurance Products

Simplified Issue products can vary depending on your health. Assumption Life offers many options for the healthier to the hard-to-insure.

Assumption Life Simplified Life Insurance Product Chart.png

Why Assumption Life?

  • Among the best rates in the industry for clients aged 40 and over

  • Most immediate solutions in the industry 

  • Unified questionnaire - The more questions you answer “NO”, the better premium you get

  • Coverage available for Non-residents

  • Issue ages up to 85 for most Simplified Issue products

  • Term and 20-pay options available

Assumption Permanent Life Insurance

Platinum Permanent Protection: Immediate coverage with the best available premiums. Ideal for healthier clients or those with a stable medical history. Issue ages: 18-85 ​Minimum coverage: $10,000 Maximum coverage: $500,000 (up to age 70) $125,000 (ages 71-85) Premium payment options: Life pay (ages 18-85; payable to attained age 100) 20-year pay (ages 18-80) Cash surrender values start after the 5th anniversary of the policy Included benefits: Living Benefit: 50% of sum insured in case of terminal illness Transportation Benefit (200km/up to $2,000) Optional riders: Accidental Death Accidental Fracture Plus Child Insurance Benefit

Golden Permanent Protection Elite: Immediate coverage with competitive premiums. Ideal for clients with a medical history Issue ages: 18-85 Minimum coverage: $10,000 (ages 18-70) $5,000 (ages 71-85) Maximum coverage: $150,000 (up to age 70) $50,000 (ages 71-80) $25,000 (ages 81-85) Premium payment options: Life pay (ages 18-85; payable to attained age 100) 20-year pay (ages 18-80) Cash surrender values start after the 5th anniversary of the policy Included benefits: Living Benefit: 50% of sum insured in case of terminal illness Transportation Benefit (200km/up to $2,000) Optional riders: Accidental Death Accidental Fracture Plus Child Insurance Benefit

Golden Permanent Protection: The only immediate coverage option in its health class. Ideal for clients that have medical conditions or are harder to insure Issue ages: 40-85 Minimum coverage: $5,000 (ages 40 to 70) $2,500 (ages 71 to 85) Maximum coverage: $100,000 (ages 40-70) $50,000 (ages 71-80) $25,000 (ages 81-85) Premium payment options: Life pay (ages 40-85; payable to attained age 100) 20-year pay (ages 40-80) Cash surrender values start after the 5th anniversary of the policy Included benefits: Living Benefit: 50% of sum insured in case of terminal illness Transportation Benefit (200km/up to $2,000) Accidental Death Optional riders: Accidental Fracture Plus

Silver Permanent Protection: Graded deferred coverage among the best premiums in its health class. Ideal for clients with serious and/or severe medical conditions Issue ages: 40-85 Minimum coverage: $5,000 (ages 40 to 70) $2,500 (ages 71 to 85) Maximum coverage: $50,000 (ages 40-70) $25,000 (ages 71-85) Premium payment options: Life pay (ages 40-85; payable to attained age 100) 20-year pay (ages 40-80) Cash surrender values start after the 5th anniversary of the policy Included benefits: Living Benefit: 50% of sum insured in case of terminal illness Transportation Benefit (200km/up to $2,000) Accidental death Optional Riders: Accidental Fracture Plus

Bronze Permanent Protection: Guaranteed issue product with deferred coverage. Ideal for clients with severe health problems or high-risk lifestyles who are looking for coverage without proof of insurability. Issue ages: 18-80 Minimum coverage: $5,000 (ages 18-70) $2,500 (ages 71-80) Maximum coverage: $50,000 (ages 18-70) $25,000 (ages 71-80) Premium payment options: Life pay (payable to attained age 100) Deferred death benefit in the first two (2) years with return of premiums plus 3% interest Cash surrender values start after the 5th anniversary of the policy Included benefits: Living Benefit: 50% of sum insured in case of terminal illness Transportation Benefit (200km/up to $2,000) Accidental Death Benefit

Assumption Term Life Insurance

Platinum Term Protection: Immediate coverage with the best available premiums. Ideal for healthier clients or those with a stable medical history Issue ages: 18-70 Minimum coverage: $50,000 (ages 18 to 44) $25,000 (ages 45 to 70) Maximum coverage: $500,000 Term options: 10, 20 years Renewable Convertible Included benefits: Living Benefit: 50% of sum insured in case of terminal illness Transportation Benefit (200km/up to $2,000) Optional riders: Accidental Death Accidental Fracture Plus Child Insurance Benefit

Golden Term Protection Elite: Immediate coverage with competitive premiums. Ideal for clients with a medical history Issue ages: 18-70 Minimum coverage: $50,000 (ages 18 to 44) $25,000 (ages 45 to 70) Maximum coverage: $150,000 Term options: 10, 20 years Included benefits: Living Benefit: 50% of sum insured in case of terminal illness Transportation Benefit (200km/up to $2,000) Optional riders: Accidental Death Accidental Fracture Plus Child Insurance Benefit

Assumption Included Benefits

Accidental Death Benefit: The Accidental Death Benefit is included on the Golden Protection and Silver Protection products. It is available as a rider for the Platinum Protection and Golden Protection Elite products. This benefit provides coverage in the event of an accidental death of the insured. It is an additional amount equal to the sum insured of the policy or rider paid to the beneficiary. Limitations including: The death must occur within 90 days of the accident. The combined total payable under the death benefit and the accidental death benefit is limited to a maximum of $150,000 for each insured. Subject to certain limitations and exclusions.

Transportation Benefit: The Transportation Benefit is included on all Simplified Issue products. If the Life Insured dies more than 200 km away from their primary residence, a benefit of up to $2,000 in Canadian currency will be payable to cover the expense of transporting the remains to the primary residence. This benefit is payable after the second anniversary of the policy or rider. Subject to certain limitations and exclusions.

Terminal Illness Benefit: The Terminal Illness Benefit is included on all Simplified Issue products. This benefit ensures that if the life insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness 180 days after the date of issue of the policy, the policyholder qualifies for 50% of the sum insured. This benefit is payable after the second anniversary of the policy or rider. Subject to certain limitations and exclusions.

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